Whether buying or renting out an apartment or villa, our experts make it their business to understand your needs and help you find the right property.
Buy a residential property
From flats to houses, downsizing to upsizing, doer-uppers to newly decorated, our local agents can guide you through the whole process of finding you.
Buy a commercial property
Looking for an opportunity to unlock commercial value? Our specialist team cover a variety of investment sectors, from retail to industrial.
Buy a land
We’re deeply rooted in the rural world, with a dedicated specialist team to help you uncover your next farm or land.
Rent a residential property
From viewing to applications and end-of-tenancy processes, we’ll support you every step of the way.
Lease a commercial property
Get unparalleled expertise across all markets and use classes when it comes to choosing your next commercial property.
Buy a new-build home
After something brand new? We know all about upcoming developments and can help guide you through the process of buying a new build.
Buy an international property
Wherever in the world you’re looking to buy, we put a local expert on your doorstep – with over 700 offices across the globe.
Rent an international property
Discover seasonal long-term and short-term rentals of luxury properties in some of the most sought-after destinations across the world.
Buy a property at auction
From appraisal and appointment to exchange and completion, our auction team can provide you with dedicated support and advice.
What's your property worth?
Regardless of where you are, we connect across our global network to provide you with critical market intelligence, valuable industry contacts, and specialized guidance, ensuring the best results for your business.